Thursday, September 20, 2007

There are people of all ages, sizes, shapes and colors walking around in a mad craze. Some are walking fast, and some slow. There are voices all around, some are loud and resonating some are soft and quiet. The atmosphere is kind of crazy with everyone in a mad rush to get from place to place. On occasion you can hear the loud screeching of brakes and the honking of horns back and forth. The mall is just a crazy place over all. In some ways it is kind of like the jungle in how every one in there is looking out for themselves and themselves only. Survival of the fittest, if you will. There are some that are scared to just hop right in there and get what they need and as you can see they are usually standing there for a while. Some of the aged veterans of the mall can be spotted by almost trucking people over that are in their way. They are on a mission and know not to let anybody get in their way. You can see the rookies standing in the corner afraid to wonder out too far in fear of getting trucked by a veteran. The fear in the rookie’s eyes sticks out like a sore thumb. The stores range from sweetened treats, to clothing, to electronics there is something for everyone. While leaving, you can see the pissed off faces of parents that have little kids behind them holding four bags full of things and grinning ear to ear.